Complimentary Therapies

Complimentary Therapies

Different therapies may help with different symptoms that affect mental, physical health and overall wellbeing to assist recovery and continued wellness. 

Also known as complimentary therapy it is often best used in conjunction with some forms of psychological therapies (counselling) as a way of 'complemeting' them. This allows treatment of the whole person.

Shifting Our MINDS offers a holistic approach. 

If you would like to discuss any of our complimentary services, leave your details and one of our therapy team will contact you for a consultation, where you can agree on a treatment plan and regularly adapt this if needed through feedback and experience. 

Treatments include and not limited to:




These therapies, like most interventions will not work for everyone. With the knowledge and transparency of your therapist, she will help you identify a bespoke recovery package, this will be individual to YOU and will always be your choice. 

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