The Benefits of Psychological Therapies

The Benefits of Psychological Therapies

There are many benefits to accessing psychological therapies (Counselling etc) talking to someone outside your network can feel more comfortable. Counselling can bring a sense of clarity to the mind and an improved sense of direction which allows you to feel in control. There are long-lasting benefits, this is because your not only working through difficulties, your developing strategies to help yourself identify triggers and positively deal with problems in the future. Research has proven the great outdoors, exercise and pets have positive impacts on our well-being too. 
Psychological trauma and the long lasting effects of anxiety can trigger physical symptoms, at times these can be debilitating. Research also shows physical illness dissipates when individuals engage in therapy.
Shifting Our MINDS aims to work with you to develop a holistic plan, we recognise education, psychological and complimentary therapies work together to provide a greater awareness of yourself, when we shift our minds we can change our thoughts. 
What is CBT? 
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a talking therapy that can help you manage the way you think and behave. CBT can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, slao useful for other mental and physical health problems.

What is EMDR? 
Eye Movement Desentisization Reprocessing is an extensively researched and effective method proven to help people recover from distressing life experiences and trauma including PTSD.

If you would like to access any of these therapies, training or workshops contact us to dicuss in detail with one of our team.